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Māori health

Preventing and managing bronchiectasis in high-risk paediatric populations

Bronchiectasis is a lung disease characterised by bronchial dilation, chronic inflammation and infection, which can lead to permanent... View Article

May 2020

Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: an overview for primary care

Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer makes up around 1% of stomach cancer diagnoses, however, Māori in New Zealand are disproportionately... View Article

September 2018

Asthma education in primary care

Māori and Pacific peoples in New Zealand are disproportionately affected by asthma, but the level of care they receive does not... View Article

September 2015

Smoking cessation beyond the ABC: Tailoring strategies to high-risk groups

Smoking rates are declining in New Zealand as more and more people are successfully quitting. However, rates remain unacceptably... View Article

October 2014

Upfront - Sudden unexpected death in infancy: Where are we now?

The incidence of SUDI has declined significantly since public prevention campaigns began in New Zealand in the early 1990s. This... View Article

November 2013

Smoking prevention and cessation in adolescents: Changing futures, saving lives

On average, New Zealanders who smoke try their first cigarette between the ages of 11 and 12 years. There are large ethnic disparities... View Article

June 2013

Encouraging smoke-free pregnancies: the role of primary care

One in ten New Zealand women smoke during pregnancy and this figure is significantly higher among Māori and women living in lower... View Article

February 2013

Bronchiectasis: rates still increasing among Pacific peoples

Bronchiectasis is a lung disease characterised by irreversible bronchial dilation and chronic inflammation, resulting in chronic... View Article

September 2012

Bronchiolitis in infants

Bronchiolitis is the most common lower respiratory tract infection in infants, and between 2006 and 2010 accounted for almost... View Article

September 2012

Addressing weight issues in young people and families in New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the most overweight countries in the world. The proportion of people who are overweight or obese is highest... View Article

August 2012

How to plan a catch-up immunisation

Although immunisation rates among Māori and Pacific peoples continue to increase, there is still room for improvement, as... View Article

August 2012

The management of community acquired pneumonia

Pneumonia is a significant cause of hospitalisation and mortality among both children and adults in New Zealand. Māori and... View Article

August 2012

Disparities in the use of medicines for Māori

Recent research into the use of medicines in New Zealand has revealed major differences in the number of prescriptions dispensed... View Article

August 2012

Managing skin infections in Māori and Pacific families

Compared to other developed countries, New Zealand has one of the highest rates of serious skin infections, particularly among... View Article

August 2012

Diagnosis and management of COPD in Māori and Pacific peoples

COPD disproportionately affects Māori and Pacific peoples in New Zealand. It is essential that people most at risk of COPD... View Article

April 2012

Gout: an alarm bell for diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Counties Manukau DHB Māori Gout Action Group have identified five publicly held myths about gout and presented a plan with five... View Article

August 2011

Building cultural competence: the Medical Council's direction

The New Zealand Medical Council's approach to cultural competence. View Article

August 2011

Cardiovascular disease risk assessment: what are the PHO Performance Programme indicators and how are they best achieved?

The PHO Performance Programme is a quality improvement initiative which aims to improve health and reduce disparities among people... View Article

August 2011

The medical management of gout revisited

Gout has a significant impact on Māori in New Zealand. Management can be classified into three areas – treatment of an acute attack,... View Article

August 2011

Upfront: Meeting the needs of children and young people in New Zealand who have been abused and neglected

Nearly one quarter of New Zealand children and young people come to the attention of Child, Youth and Family before they reach... View Article

August 2011

Rheumatic fever in Māori: what can we do better?

In New Zealand, acute rheumatic fever is now almost exclusively a disease affecting Māori and Pacific peoples. The majority of... View Article

August 2011

Whānau Ora: the theory and the practice

The Honourable Tariana Turia, Minister Responsible for Whānau Ora, introduces the concept of Whānau Ora and what this means for... View Article

August 2011

Increasing the uptake of breast screening

Significant progress has been made in increasing the rate of breast cancer screening in New Zealand. However, Māori women still... View Article

February 2011

Upfront: Traditional healing and mental health: measuring the effectiveness of rongoa

Professor Sir Mason Durie writes about traditional healing (rongoa) with respect to mental health. View Article

June 2010

Substance misuse and addiction in Māori

It is estimated that substance misuse and other addictions are experienced by over one quarter of Māori in their lifetime.... View Article

June 2010

Suicide prevention in Māori youth

The rate of suicide in young Māori males is higher than in any other population group in New Zealand. Mental health disorder... View Article

June 2010

Recognising and managing mental health problems in Māori

Mental health problems are common in Māori, yet there is an unmet need for receiving treatment. Identifying mental health... View Article

June 2010

PHO Performance Programme - high needs populations

The PHO Performance Programme recognises the increased health needs of Māori, Pacific peoples and those living in lower socioeconomic... View Article

June 2010

Smoking related cancer morbidity and mortality

The majority of people with cancer will initially present to general practice, therefore GPs have an excellent opportunity to... View Article

December 2009

Breast screening - achieving equity

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in New Zealand women. The national target for breast screening is for 70% of... View Article

November 2009

Cervical smears - achieving equity

After the introduction of the National Cervical Screening Programme, rates of cervical screening increased and the overall incidence... View Article

September 2009

Childhood asthma programme summary

This article has been archived. If you would like access to the original article please contact: editor@bpac.org.nz View Article

July 2009

Are whānau paying the right amount for pharmaceuticals and health services?

This article has been archived. If you would like access to the original article please contact: editor@bpac.org.nz View Article

July 2009

About this journal

Kupu Whakataki Welcome to BPJ 22, our second journal focused on Māori Health View Article

July 2009

Free smoking cessation training for health professionals

Akoranga aukati kai paipaA brief overview of how and where to obtain smoking cessation training View Article

July 2009

Takin’ it to the people - successful initiatives in Māori health

Tohatohaina atu ki te iwi - He kaupapa hauora Māori angituSome examples of successful intiatives in Māori Health. View Article

July 2009

Oral health

Oranga niho Overall, oral health in New Zealand has improved over the last few decades, however significant inequalities remain... View Article

July 2009

Smoking cessation for Māori

Te aukatinga kai paipa Encouraging Māori who smoke to stop is a key health priority. The more times smoking cessation advice... View Article

July 2009

One Heart Many Lives

He manawa takitahi, he iwi takitini “One Heart Many Lives” is a social marketing campaign that was developed to promote... View Article

July 2009

Making a difference in chronic kidney disease

Mate tākihi ukiuki Chronic kidney disease affects approximately 10% of the population of New Zealand, with a higher prevalence... View Article

July 2009

Introduction to adult depression

Mental disorders are extremely common with over one third of adults who attend primary care likely to have met the criteria for... View Article

July 2009

Inequalities in asthma prevalence morbidity and mortality

This article has been archived. If you would like access to the original article please contact: editor@bpac.org.nz View Article

May 2009

Guide to asthma management in children

This article has been archived. If you would like access to the original article please contact: editor@bpac.org.nz View Article

May 2009

Bronchiolitis update

Bronchiolitis is the most common lower respiratory tract infection seen in infants aged less than one year. The bronchiolitis... View Article

April 2009

Upfront: The unequal impact of cancer.

Cancer has a significant and disproportionate impact on Māori, with significant disparities in experiences, quality of health... View Article

December 2008

Engaging patients in managing cardiovascular risk

Once a patient understands their CVD risk, the next step is to help motivate them to make changes to reduce their risk. Lifestyle... View Article

October 2008

Improving Māori health - increased awareness of issues

Feedback on a survey of GPs about Māori health issues View Article

August 2008

Manaakitanga Tikanga related to food healthy kai.

Advice on Māori customs and protocols relating to food. View Article

August 2008

Māori mental health

Improving Māori mental health is a government health priority. This commitment can be achieved through tangible and culturally... View Article

June 2008

Upfront: Reducing inequalities in asthma care for children

Reducing inequalities in asthma care for children. View Article

June 2008

Why we still need to think of rheumatic fever

Māori living in the upper North Island have one of the highest rates of acute rheumatic fever in the world. This disease... View Article

May 2008

Snippets: Varenicline & Smoking

Varenicline and suicidal behaviour. Wider access to quit cards.The lung age of smokers. View Article

May 2008

Update: Gout in the Māori community

Gout is a significant health issue for Māori. This article explores Māori perception of gout and updates evidence from... View Article

May 2008

Upfront: Diverse realities of Māori

Māori have poorer health outcomes, die younger and have higher rates of chronic disease than other New Zealanders. Reducing... View Article

May 2008

Practical solutions for improving Māori health

So what can primary healthcare professionals do about disparities in care for Māori? We have developed a framework that can... View Article

May 2008

Disparities in care

Data shows that Māori have a greater burden of illness, yet receive less healthcare. Training in cultural competency and... View Article

May 2008

Cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Māori

Cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes are major causes of hospitalisations and mortality in Māori. There are many things... View Article

May 2008

Demystifying Rongoā Māori: Traditional Māorihealing

Rongoā Māori is an important aspect of health care to many Māori, representing diversity of practice and a holistic... View Article

May 2008

Asthma and chronic cough in Māori children

Māori children with asthma have greater hospital admission rates, present with more severe symptoms and require more days... View Article

May 2008

Dilemmas: Exploring the everyday experiences of older Māori and their medication

When prescribing for older Māori people, it is important to take their views and beliefs into consideration and provide information... View Article

February 2008

Upfront: Impacts of an ageing population on New Zealand society

A Māori perspective on impacts on New Zealand society of an ageing population. View Article

February 2008

Update of New Zealand smoking cessation guideline

The recently overhauled New Zealand smoking cessation guideline is well presented and contains important new messages. The guideline... View Article

December 2007

A Māori/Pacific nursing service in a mainstream PHO

A PHO shares its experience and outcomes of establishing a unique service targeted at Māori and Pacific patients and whanau. View Article

December 2007

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome affects approximately 1 in 10 people, mainly women between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Treatment is... View Article

October 2007

Making Ethnicity Data Count

Knowing ethnicity allows us to have a more comprehensive and complete understanding of peoples' health experiences and is an important... View Article

October 2007

Gout - Hit the target

Gout is an arthritis caused by the inflammatory response to intra-articular monosodium urate crystals. Supersaturation of urate... View Article

September 2007

Opportunistic interventions in primary care can reduce stroke risk

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in New Zealand, after ischaemic heart disease and all cancers combined and is the most... View Article

April 2007

Improving the care of children with asthma

Studies suggest that the majority of children with asthma do not have good control. This appears to be associated with low asthma... View Article

December 2006

“What is Māori Patient-Centred Medicine for Pakeha GPs?”

Recently bpacnz programme developer Dr Trevor Walker interviewed Te Aroha GP Dave Colquhoun on the relationship between Pakeha... View Article

October 2006