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Appendix 1

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

Instructions for using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale:

  1. The mother is asked to check the response that comes closest to how she has been feeling in the previous 7 days.
  2. All the items must be completed.
  3. Care should be taken to avoid the possibility of the mother discussing her answers with others. (Answers come from the mother or pregnant woman.)
  4. The mother should complete the scale herself, unless she has limited English or has difficulty with reading.

Source: Cox, J.L., Holden, J.M., and Sagovsky, R. 1987. Detection of postnatal depression: Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. British Journal of Psychiatry 150:782-786.

Appendix 2

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

PHQ-9 provisional diagnosis

Scoring — add up answers to questions on PHQ-9
Not at all = 0; Several days = 1; More than half the days = 2; Nearly every day = 3

Total Score Depression Severity
10–14 Mild
15–19 Moderate depression
≥ 20 Severe depression

See for more information

Appendix 3

e-therapy resources

The National Depression Initiative

The National Depression Initiative has a recently updated interactive website which has a focus on self management. It provides a self test and detailed information about depression and NZ options for management and treatment in the form of a “journey” that users can take to “get through” depression. It features video clips of New Zealanders who talk about their experience and what they found helpful.

The low down

An interactive website for young people featuring a self test, fact sheets, a moderated message board to enable peer support, and video clips from popular musicians and high profile young sports people talking about their experiences of depression. The site enables access to a team of counsellors who provide email, phone, webcam and text-based support services for young people.

Recovery via the Internet from Depression (RID)

The RID trial (2006-2010) will test whether a set of web-based self-help programmes work for reducing depression in New Zealand. The programmes are designed to help people manage their depression by providing relevant information and/or working through a number of exercises on the internet. The aim of this site is to explain the RID trial and invite people to take part in it.