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Making mental health everybody's business
That's the mission of the Mental Health Foundation. The foundation is a charitable trust, established
in 1974, that provides an information service, and promotes mental health and wellbeing throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
The foundation's vision for New Zealand is for it to be a nation where collectively and individually we recognise the
importance of approaches that sustain and improve our mental health.
In the last year, the Mental Health Foundation has taken on the role of co-ordinating and managing aspects of high profile
Ministry of Health - funded campaigns such as 'Like Minds, Like Mine', and the National Depression Campaign, which features
television messages by All Black legend John Kirwan.
The National Depression Campaign was launched in October 2006. The key messages of this campaign
If you think someone you care about is depressed, early acknowledgement is important so that practical help can be
There are ways to help people with depression, and self help strategies such as physical activity can be very effective.
If you are worried about being depressed, get help, there are effective treatments and therapies; there is a way
through it. |
Contact the National Depression Initiative on 0800 111 757 or |
Mental Health Foundation key services
National Information Service and Resource Centre
09 300 7030
Mental health promotion programmes
The Mental Health Foundation's youth mental health work, focuses on training the trainers and includes rangatahi programmes,
resilience building and depression awareness.
The foundation produces a number of high quality, interactive, arts based resources and training programmes for people
who work with young people.
Their work with adults includes supporting workers on issues of self-care and supporting vulnerable groups and sectors
in the community such as refugees and migrants. For example, they have a range of programmes focusing on older people's
mental health including raising awareness of depression in later life and strategies for making a successful transition
to retirement.
An internet-based resource and e-bulletin to help keep you informed about the latest developments in mental health promotion
and prevention in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Suicide Prevention Information NZ (SPINZ)
SPINZ provides high quality information on suicide prevention. Services include:
- Suicide prevention workshops throughout New Zealand.
- Face-to-face community liaison and support.
- Networking and participation in community hui.
- Dissemination of best practice information.
Working Well
Working Well supports employers and managers to create more mentally healthy work places.
The Mental Health Foundation also:
- Undertakes research into discrimination, employment and family attitudes as they effect people with mental illness.
- Campaigns for services which are non-discriminatory and a society which is fully inclusive of people with experience
of mental illness.
- Is involved in advocacy and policy-making for improving mental health services and reducing stigma and discrimination
against people who experience mental illness.