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Quiz feedback: Men’s & Women’s health
This quiz feedback provides an opportunity to revisit the September 2010 “Best Tests” document and accompanying quiz which focused on appropriate use of laboratory tests in the primary care setting, for men’s and women’s health.
1. When investigating erectile dysfunction in a
patient, which of the following tests are recommended? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
Lipid profile |
94% |
Fasting glucose |
99% |
Testosterone |
24% |
Prolactin |
6% |
Question 1 comments
Evidence suggests that up to 80% of erectile dysfunction (ED) cases have an organic cause. Organic causes include
vasculogenic, neurogenic and hormonal aetiologies, of which vasculogenic aetiologies represent the largest group. Hormonal
aetiologies are by contrast a rare cause.
There is a lack of consensus regarding the best choice of laboratory tests for the evaluation of patients with ED.
However given the association of ED with vascular disease and diabetes, it is recommended that a cardiovascular risk
assessment is performed and screening for diabetes is undertaken. In terms of hormonal tests, the American College of
Physicians has been unable to recommend either for or against routine use of hormonal blood tests or hormonal treatment
in the management of patients with ED.
2. When investigating a patient with gynaecomastia,
when is laboratory testing most useful? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
Long standing gynaecomastia |
6% |
Pseudogynaecomastia |
<1% |
Bilateral or tender gynaecomastia |
71% |
Acute onset gynaecomastia |
95% |
Question 2 comments
Gynaecomastia (GM), a benign enlargement of male breast tissue, is a common condition which indicates an imbalance
between free oestrogen and androgen action in the breast tissue.
Although laboratory evaluation may be appropriate, abnormalities are not detected in the majority of patients with
GM. Endocrine evaluation in adolescent patients, and in adult patients with longstanding fibrotic GM, is contentious.
If an adult male presents with unilateral or bilateral GM that is of acute onset, particularly if tender, and if the
patient’s history and physical examination do not reveal the cause, then serum testosterone, LH, oestradiol and
hCG are usually sufficient.
3. Why is the role of testosterone testing limited? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
Lack of clarity around reference ranges |
60% |
Levels drop as people age |
74% |
Lack of clear recommendations around appropriate use of the test |
78% |
It is not widely available |
11% |
Question 3 comments
The association between ageing-related testosterone reduction and late-onset hypogonadism in men remains a controversial
concept due to the high prevalence of hypogonadal symptoms in the aging male population and the non-specific nature
of these symptoms.
The issue is further complicated by the impact of a variety of medical conditions on the male gonadal axis, the diurnal
variation in testosterone levels (more than one pre-9 am sample is essential) and the limitations of available total
and free testosterone assays.
As healthy men age, the serum concentration of testosterone, particularly free testosterone but also total testosterone,
declines by 0.4 – 2.6% per year after the age of 40 years. This results in a total testosterone level that is
below the normal laboratory range in approximately 25% of men aged over 70 years and 50% aged over 80 years.
4. What is the most common cause of delayed puberty
in boys? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
Constitutional delay in growth and puberty |
99% |
Tumour |
5% |
Genetic causes |
8% |
Stress |
3% |
Question 4 comments
Delayed puberty in males is defined by the absence or incomplete development of secondary sexual characteristics by
age 14 years, i.e. the age at which 95% of males have initiated sexual maturation.
The most common cause of delayed puberty is constitutional delay in growth and puberty. These patients will eventually
spontaneously progress through puberty. For boys aged under 16 years, watchful waiting should reliably distinguish those
with constitutional delay from those with other causes of delayed puberty. A positive family history for constitutional
delay of puberty, especially in the father, can be useful for helping to confirm this. Reassessment of the patient may
be considered after six months.
5. Which of the following define primary amenorrhoea? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
Absence of menses by age 16 years with development of secondary sexual characteristics |
97% |
Absence of menses by age 13 years with no development of secondary sexual characteristics |
81% |
Absence of menses by age 16 years with no development of secondary sexual characteristics |
5% |
Absence of menses by age 13 years with development of secondary sexual characteristics |
2% |
Question 5 comments
Amenorrhoea is the absence of menstruation flow. It can be classified as either primary or secondary, relative to
menarche. Primary amenorrhoea is the absence of menses by age 16 years in a female with appropriate development of secondary
sexual characteristics or absence of menses by age 13 years and no other pubertal maturation.
Although only a small number of respondents correctly selected this option, absence of menses in a 16 year old girl
with no secondary sexual characteristics is also considered as primary amenorrhoea.
6. What is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhoea? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
15% |
Premature menopause |
9% |
Pregnancy |
90% |
Breastfeeding |
6% |
Question 6 comments
Secondary amenorrhoea is the lack of menses in a previously menstruating, non-pregnant female, for greater than six
months. Pregnancy is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhoea, followed by:
- Ovarian disease (40%) – ovarian failure due to normal or early menopause, hyperandrogenism, e.g. PCOS, testosterone
- Functional hypothalamic anovulation (35%) – due to excessive exercise, eating disorders, stress or some medicines,
e.g. oral contraceptives, depot medroxyprogesterone
- Pituitary disease (19%) – has a similar presentation to functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea except for the
occasional additional finding of galactorrhoea in some women. Rare causes are sellar masses, other diseases of the
pituitary and primary hypothyroidism.
- Uterine disease (5%) – Asherman’s syndrome is the only uterine cause of secondary amenorrhoea
7. Which of the following tests is usually helpful
when investigating loss of libido in a woman? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
Testosterone |
3% |
Prolactin |
2% |
2% |
None of the above |
96% |
Question 7 comments
A full history and clinical examination, including sexual history and relationship factors is important. A key requirement
for the evaluation of female sexual dysfunction is to determine whether sexual issues are associated with personal stress.
Laboratory testing should be performed only if indicated by history or examination. The correlation between androgen
levels and sexual dysfunction is considered weak, apart from a few well defined situations such as proven pituitary
or adrenal insufficiency or past bilateral oophorectomy. Similarly, testing oestradiol or other hormones e.g. FSH and
prolactin, has limited utility in evaluating sexual dysfunction.
8. Which of the following is true for a women presenting
with secondary amenorrhoea? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
It is important to exclude pregnancy |
99% |
The history will seldom be helpful |
2% |
Laboratory results can be difficult to interpret |
59% |
FSH, LH and prolactin levels may be helpful |
78% |
Question 8 comments
Pregnancy should be first excluded by testing rather than relying solely on history. The history, physical examination
and measurement of FSH, TSH and prolactin will often be helpful to identify the most common causes of amenorrhoea. In
addition, for women with evidence of hyperandrogenism, the measurement of testosterone would also be indicated.
9. Which of the following is true for a women presenting
with dysfunctional uterine bleeding? |
Your peers |
Preferred |
It is important to exclude pregnancy |
93% |
Coagulation tests should always be requested |
2% |
Trauma will frequently be the cause |
1% |
It is important to exclude cervical and uterine cancer |
98% |
Question 9 comments
A pregnancy test is indicated for women of reproductive age with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, to exclude intrauterine
or ectopic pregnancy, or gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatiform mole).
Any malignancy of the genital tract can cause dysfunctional bleeding. It can be difficult to determine whether bleeding
is from an endocervical or endometrial source, so cervical cancer must be excluded. Any visible cervical lesion should
be biopsied, even if cervical cytology is negative for malignancy.
Depending upon the history, clinical examination and initial evaluations, a second tier of laboratory testing may
be appropriate. Coagulation tests are only useful in women with a history suggestive of haemostatic defect, e.g. frequent
nosebleeds, easy bruising.
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This article is 13 years and 10 months old.