Best Practice Survey Results
9. What else should bpac be doing?
There were a wide range of suggestions for other products or services that bpacnz could provide. A sample of these are provide below:
“I think having available an audio podcast would be great. Would not be able to cover all the material but could summarise main messages and then busy practitioners could refer to the paper or on-line copy for articles that interest them.”– GP, Opotiki
“Internet summaries.” – GP, Auckland
“One time per year a large summary quiz to check what has been retained.” – GP, Auckland
“The meeting on use of generic medications earlier this year was good. Maybe more things like this would be beneficial.” – Pharmacist, Christchurch
“A NZ formulary.” – GP, Otara
“Your own mini conference(s)/video link? What about another medical programme on tv.” – GP, Morrinsville
“I would value a series on doctor-patient communication, both in the GP practice and with patients at the end of life. Also some guidelines on managing the time pressures in general practice and ‘difficult’ patients.” – GP, Wanganui
Many respondents also provided further comments which were , for the most part very positive. A sample of these is given below.
“Bpac publications are great, generally focused on clinical usefulness rather than esoteric acadeamia. Keep up the good work.”– GP, Dunedin
“I think the services and products provided by bpac are all very useful. I like how the articles from the journal are also available online; very handy for when I need to refer to them.” – Pharmacist, Opotiki
“Great work in keeping us up to date.” – GP, Upper Hutt
“Excellent magazine, which I pass onto my peers once I’ve finished.” – Nurse, Wakefield
“Really appreciate the patient info leaflets – accurate, practical and info available for patients at their level.” – Nurse, Wakefield
“I believe bpac provides an excellent service. There are limitations but you cant be all things. This service should be expanded to hospital clinicians.” – GP, Temuka
“It is nice to have a paper reference copy. Since the NZMJ went electronic I have hardly read it because it is not easily accessible. Getting quiz results electronically from bpac is ok.” – GP, Katikati
“I keep bpac journal above my desk and refer to them regularly.” – GP, Gore
“More of the same please, it is fantastic.” – GP, Manurewa
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