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Best Practice Survey Results

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4. Keeping medical knowledge up to date

Q4. Why do you read bpac publications? (tick all that apply)
  To keep medical knowledge up to date
  To support practice audits and continuous quality improvement
  For continuing professional development
  For discussion at peer support group
  Don’t read
  Other (please state):
Table 4: Percentage responses for each question by respondent type.
  GP Nurse Pharmacist
To keep medical knowledge up to date
97.4% 97.4% 98.6%
To support practice audits and continuous quality improvement
89.6% 95.3% 89.7%
For continuing professional development
60.9% 51.6% 36.6%
For discussion at peer support group 40.7% 43.5% 27.2%
Don’t read 0.8% 0.2% 0%
Other 5.9% 6.7% 9.9%

The overwhelming majority of respondents read bpacnz publications to keep their medical knowledge up to date (98%) and for continuing professional development (91%).

“Interesting and pitched at an easy to read level. So quick to read” – GP, Christchurch

“Good quality, reliable information, usually relevant to my nursing practice.” – Nurse, Wellington

“It’s interesting and easy to read and understand. Great colour and design. Keeps the other side of the brain interested too.” – GP, Christchurch

“I use as a reference in my day to day practice (internet access).” – GP, Paraparaumu

Page  Intro | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 | Q7 | Q8 | Q9 Page 4